This made me smile, it may have been Photoshopped, though there are other photos from the same meeting that seem to confirm its credibility. Let's face it if you're going to do a good presentation you would have to use Apple Keynote not Powerpoint.
There is of course the remote possibility that the Mac is running Vista .......
I've had some fun now back to my 'bread & butter' work - a caricature of a golfer paid for by friends for his 50th birthday. These are popular and look great framed up behind the bar.
Roger Fletcher is the creator of the syndicated cartoon series Torkan, a fellow member of the Australian Cartoonist's association and above all a bloody nice bloke. Promised to do one for him long ago - can't remember why now !
Just having a bit of a 'workout' on a couple of faces of fellow NCN members Bob Bischoff and Doogle. Both from the US of A - Doogle's the one without the beard !
I got this photo emailed to me within two hours of the client picking up the caricature - as you can see the victim was happy -and I'm more than satisfied with the likeness.
Here's a few jobs from last week - there's a lot of 'in jokes' in the wedding caricature, a 4oth Birthday caricature for a Texan living in West Australia and a 60th Birthday for a rugby loving Kiwi. Time for some golf before this beautiful autumn weather goes ........
Far too much idle time on my hands ( not really) - I've been meaning to do a caricature of Mike Carlon - fellow caricaturist and NCN member - from 'Oop North' in England.
These are really fun to do - as I've said before clients rarely give you open slather to this to a face - other caricaturists enjoy it. This is Matt Ryder who has a caricature business in exotic Dubai. Cheers Matt.
March seems to consist of pretty young things to caricature - lovely to look at - but nowhere near the fun of getting stuck into a gnarled older male for a 'send off'. Just got a couple of those - go for it they said !!