Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Christmas commissions ....

It's that time of year again where the gift caricatures are thick and fast - with a few live shows as well - make hay while the sun shines I guess.
Here's a few of the first batch - some serious underquoting on the trail bike one. Pleased how it turned out though.

Back into it ............


Mug It Up!/Jim H said...

Always love the detailing you put into the vehicles and such. People get their monesy worth!

Glen Barbosa de Carvalho Batoca said...

Great job! I wish you a Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Cheers Jim and Glen - thanks for visiting.

flats said...

Top work as usual Tel, Merry Xmas !

Rick Wright said...

Good stuff Tel as usual!! They all look great except the one guy is hanging out on the wrong side of the car!!

Unknown said...

Thanks Rick - LOL - just flip the image it'll fit into your back to front world !!!
Merry Christmas to you and the family.