Yesterday saw yours truly thrown well out of his comfort zone. I did my first 'live' caricaturing show at a corporate event at the WACA in Perth. Sadly, in all the excitement, I only took the one photo of a caricature I did of a gorgeous 7 month old boy - who never sat still at all !
It was a great experience handing out quick sketches, that at home would have been destined for the shredder, to the gratitude of amazingly (to me !) appreciative people.
Experienced all those things that people told me that subjects would do - eating, answering mobiles, holding conversations across the room. Did about 25 in the three hours which was OK - really only started to caricature in the last hour as the confidence grew and more middle aged blokes more suitable for 'the job' sat down. Started with a run of young lovelies - the worst beginning - make them gorgeous said Kelly - what if they already are !!!
Went with Mick Devine a local Perth caricaturist to get some tips and a feel for it - in fact my line was so steady I never saw any of his work. Got up after the quickest three hours I can remember with no aches and pains, which surprised me, I thought RSI would set in.
Mistakes - used coloured pastel pencils, a lot of them, sharpened both ends - they go blunt quick and don't show up too well. I did buy some Sharpies, which I liked, from Kid at the NCN Convention - they must dissolve in air cargo as I haven't seen them since I got home.
I tried to get too good a likeness - not wise at this stage - got visions of Joe Bluhm's caricatures. looked at mine - decided no one in this room, except me, knows who Joe Bluhm is !!! (sorry Joe) AND I'll never, ever use A4 size paper again - way too small - got a great face where am I going to put all the hair and cleavage !
Did I mention I enjoyed myself, my drawing may have been below what I normally accept but my patter was pretty good !!!
"Call that a big nose mate ?"