This will be the last post for the year - and I really hope each and every one of you has a great 2009. Thanks for your comments both on the blog, email and phone - it's an isolated existence doing studio work ( I chat to myself quite a bit - not a lot of sense there ! ) - I appreciate it !
Welcome to the Blog of Award Winning Perth Based West Australian Caricature Artist and Illustrator - Terry Dunnett
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Australian Gothic ......
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Saturday, 20 December 2008
All finished
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Christmas commissions ....
Christmas is making up for that beautiful 7 weeks away - I have a target of finishing all the commissions by Friday giving me six days to get ready for Santa.
All the faces are done - about six little bodies left - seventeen in total and it's time to ho,ho,ho !
Pre trip and post trip is the busiest I've been - seriously encroaching on golf time - got 42 'off the stick' last week which was really good for me - ".... for 18 that's nice dear ?!!! "
Saturday, 6 December 2008
Painting on an iPhone
Busy with lots of Christmas commissions but was fascinated by this video of David Tessier using an iPhone to paint with ....... do that on your Nokia !
Thanks to my good friend Vin Altamore for the ' heads up ! '
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Bat and Photoshop CS4 ...
Just got the latest Photoshop version CS4 after busily loading all my brushes set about a quick caricature of Bat Hilliard a fellow NCN member who is from North Carolina USA. One of the politest, humble guys you're likely to meet - far too nice - probably has several axe murderers in his family background.
CS4 seems to work OK, several modifications to the GUI and handling of windows - I don't know if it is the quantum leap I was expecting or worth the upgrade. I'm just a hopeless victim when it comes to updating software !!!
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Old Moulton mouldies !!
Last Friday night, along with Nola, I had the pleasure of a reunion with old student friends from Northamptonshire Agriculture College, Moulton. We met at a lovely village pub in Cambridgeshire and a great meal and mass nostalgia was enjoyed. I hadn't seen most for 35 years, as the booze flowed the stories of old got better and better.
Returned home on Tuesday and am reluctant to inspect the damage to the Visa card !
Great to be back, visited a lot of places, but there's nothing as good as Australia out there ... I wish our dollar was as good though, an embarrassing little thing compared to the Euro, Pound and US Dollar ..... lift your game Kevvy !!!
More at the Con'
Gee I struggle with one language !!!
With the entire trip lasting almost 7 weeks I have over 1000 photos off two cameras more to come when I do some sorting.
My humble offerings ....
NCN Convention - Raleigh North Carolina
Could do with a haircut though !
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Just cruising .....
Just got back to the UK - freezing - after a brilliant cruise around the Mediterranean. As a first time cruiser I can thoroughly recommend it, in fact I'm being urged to book another one !!
A couple of days relax and off to the NCN convention in North Carolina on Saturday.
I could get really used to this lifestyle if the Australian Dollar didn't keep collapsing - when I get to Raleigh I'll be the one with begging bowl !!
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Up, up and away !!

Hopefully I'll get a chance to update the blog on my travels.
We've organised the house sitter and Staffies have been starved for the last three weeks !!
Friday, 26 September 2008
Taka Watanabe
Shall do everything in my power to get him to caricature me ..... hint, hint !!!
George Malek
Car commissions ...
Thursday, 18 September 2008
The kids say Hi ...
This was taken at a winery in Margaret River where they were celebrating Jo's 26th Birthday with twenty or more friends. Mum & Dad weren't invited ( being teetotallers !) but we are looking forward to taking her out to a nice restaurant this weekend.
Don't tell 'em but we're both pretty pleased how they turned out !!
A biggie .....
I underquoted but learned a lot about tackling jobs this size - and doing all the small faces achieved some good 'live' caricature practice.
Michael Collins Caricature Award ...
The 'Looney Tunes' theme is of our leaders Rudd, Gillard and Swan and the portrait is a redraw of Jim McGinty the former State Attorney General.
I've managed to get a highly commended the last two years - I must take more time for the loot though - and perhaps move away from digital. ( I've got a perception of a little bias against the medium from the purists ). Fingers crossed.
The competition website is HERE.
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
.... more weddings
Thursday, 28 August 2008
New commission work ....
Currently I've got a pile of commissions on hand, in fact I've put the 'full up' sign on my website, one of which is a corporate job of huge proportions - sadly I underquoted. All part of the learning curve.
Lots of work, really busy, turning jobs away and I'm not rich - I can smell a price rise on the horizon !
Melbourne's Anthony Pascoe
This is Melbourne based caricature artist, Anthony Pascoe. Yep I've had a little fun with him, but as most West Aussies will agree, when you get a chance always give it to a Victorian !
BTW Anthony does some stunning work - check out his site here.
anthony pascoe,
Sunday, 17 August 2008
Wedding Bells .... .. again !!
Thursday, 14 August 2008
Bowlers & Footy coaches ...
T shirt graphic ...
I once used to do badge and logo designs and found them such a hassle I decided to exclusively do caricatures - the only other artwork I do is for me ! Took this job on for a T shirt graphic for a car racing club, thought that should be simple. How wrong was that.
It took ages with lots of changes for the client - THEN - we get to the printer and all the changes to the format for CMYK processes etc.
Lesson re learned !
A bit of self indulgence ...
Football nuts of the world rejoice !!
This Saturday, the 16th, the famine is finally over the English Premier League kicks off for another season ....... for an indication of the passion just check out the Liverpool Kop in action - probably the best male voice choir in the world, certainly the biggest, I had the privilege of standing on it in the old terracing days - a noise that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up - awesome in the true sense of the word.
Where's my scarf and rattle - the Olympics - humbug !!
Friday, 8 August 2008
More Weddings .....
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
'Purple Haze' Rockers 30th ......
Saturday, 26 July 2008
Is this fame ? Addendum !
Well, well - my Kevin Rudd caricature has been removed from the online advertising of our cyber friends. No apology, payment or communication occurred but it is noted that no expense was spared in bringing in a top line caricaturist to do the replacement. Makes you smile ........
I thanks my friends from the ACA and Viscopy for their help.
Sunday, 20 July 2008
Is this 'fame' ?
Along come a shady mob that hide behind '' selling some sort of dubious mobile phone service. There aren't many caricatures of Rudd around, they found mine. This will do to snare a few punters from Australia to do their 'IQ test' . Did they drop me a courteous email 'can we use it' offering some sort of payment. Not on your life - lets just take it.
Hello - I do caricatures for a living, you want to use it you ask.
I've sent them an email to their 'support' address, the only email I could find, the domain is registered in Canada with no physical real address.
I'll see what I can do - I'm not too hopeful.
I'd steer clear of the IQ tests if you come across them.
Bearded Tel ...
I should have really done a complete new one but I really haven't the time - that's my excuse.
west australia
Farm themes .....
Saturday, 12 July 2008
Beardless Bob .....
Friday, 11 July 2008
This England ...
I really meant to take quite a lot of photo's in England - it didn't happen - here's three of the better ones. Mum & Dad in their garden, Abbey gardens in Bury St Edmunds and the converted Brundon Mill in Sudbury. ( .. all cynics please note the sunshine !!)
abbey gardens,
bury st edmunds,
I'm back ....
The pause in the number of postings on this blog will have been noticed by my two regular readers. REASON : I've been to England for the past month, my mother has been ill so my daughter Jo and I took the opportunity to fly across and do what we could to help and cheer her, and Dad, up. Mission accomplished I'm glad to report she is much better, putting on weight and is now strong enough to have a small operation that will make her life much more comfortable. Dad's a bit brighter too though I think he'll miss his red wine drinking accomplices !!
The last two weeks were actually reasonable weather - it was summer after all - though it's the first time I've been in England in the summer for 35 years. There's no football in the summer is the main reason for that. This time, though, I had the opportunity to watch the European Championships live in prime time - superb and some of the football played by Russia, Holland and the eventual winners Spain was brilliant in the true sense of the word. Thoroughly enjoyed it - the Olympics, despite the jingoistic hype, will definitely be a very poor relation to the Euro's.
Got to enjoy things that make an Englishman living abroad misty eyed - the beautiful villages, a pint at the local, long light evenings, 'real' pork pies, good bacon, Musk's of Newmarket pork sausages ( the world's best - no doubt) - by the way I really like eating pigs !! A few negatives though - the traffic is awful, driving is a pain and the legendary English road courtesy appears a thing of the past. Finally what a seedy over rated place London is - though I'm a country boy at heart and most cities drop in this category.
It was nonetheless great to get home and there's something really special about seeing the WA coast below you as you head back to Perth.
I'm now armed with a 'secret' suffolk pork sausage recipe so local pigs better watch out !!!
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
60th Birthday Commission .....
Brother's Collage
Thursday, 5 June 2008
.... that's green !!
Nola and I had a wonderful relaxing weekend with friends at Donnelly River Mill - no TV, phones - and dramatic for me - computers !!
donnelly river mill,
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Dove Lake and Cradle Mountain, Tasmania
These really don't work well in a Blog so I'm going to do a web page with them ( I opened my Panoramas folder and found I've got loads and many I haven't stitched yet and several VR walk throughs )
I'll post the link here.
Canal Rocks Panorama ....
The flying librarian ..
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